Dream High
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saat bahagia!!
Monday 16 April 2012 ★ 11:18 │ (0) angels
alamak !!this pic very sweett for me ..*men ckp je kalo slh soe*..
<3bile agknye dila akn alami saat nih <3
<3pasti bahagia kn <3
<3mcm mne ek rsenye bila da sah jd isteri org ?<3
<3yg pasti kite kne saling syg antara satu sme lain .. bru la ad nikmat rse bahagia 2 kn .. <3
<3mzti bnyk tggungjawab sbgai isteri kn ?<3
<3pas2 dpt anak .. pergghh!!!bahagia nye .. <3
<3sape la person yg sygkn dila nnt ek?<3
<3dila harap org yg akan mnjdi suami dila uh nnt mntk2 la yg beriman ,yg bleh mmbmbg dila ke jln ALLAH ..,bolh bahagiakn dila ,terima dila seadanye,saling memahami .. dan yg paling pntg saling mencintai antara satu sama lain dan mnghormati kedua ibubapa dila <3
<3all the best for my future husband<3
<3i love you so much!!<3

Pieces Of Me
meet the big beauty boss

I am NurulAin and this is my blog, it's mine. In this very little space from the World Wide Web, this could be the only place where in i can have my freedom to express myself, rant whenever i wanted to, post non-sense shit, type asdfghjkl until i get tired like an idiot. I mean, who the hell in the world, uhmm (except me) would do that effin thing? of course no one. EXCEPT ME.Alright, you've got it. I really am an idiot. okay? and you've got any problems with that? kiss my fist. Actually i'm just sixTEEN and i don't act like what normal teen girls do. I'm weird and i like crazy things. I like the smell of an old book, I yawn and don't close my mouth even if i'm in a public place.. and i blah blah, i blah too.. enough. bye byee! You may click links and contact to befriend with me.Thanks !
leave your message here and i'll pay you a visit later

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the great escapes to a beautiful land

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Layout (c) sweet.m!sery
Re-edited by nurul ain
Icons from reviviscent
Resources: sea shells
saat bahagia!!
Monday 16 April 2012 ★ 11:18 │ (0) angels
alamak !!this pic very sweett for me ..*men ckp je kalo slh soe*..
<3bile agknye dila akn alami saat nih <3
<3pasti bahagia kn <3
<3mcm mne ek rsenye bila da sah jd isteri org ?<3
<3yg pasti kite kne saling syg antara satu sme lain .. bru la ad nikmat rse bahagia 2 kn .. <3
<3mzti bnyk tggungjawab sbgai isteri kn ?<3
<3pas2 dpt anak .. pergghh!!!bahagia nye .. <3
<3sape la person yg sygkn dila nnt ek?<3
<3dila harap org yg akan mnjdi suami dila uh nnt mntk2 la yg beriman ,yg bleh mmbmbg dila ke jln ALLAH ..,bolh bahagiakn dila ,terima dila seadanye,saling memahami .. dan yg paling pntg saling mencintai antara satu sama lain dan mnghormati kedua ibubapa dila <3
<3all the best for my future husband<3
<3i love you so much!!<3
